tisdag 27 december 2011
måndag 26 december 2011
Aida: Roberto Bolle quasi NUDO (HD) - Scala 2006
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roberto Bolle
Roberto Bolle as Solor in a Royal Ballet production of La Bayadère
Born March 26, 1975 (age 36)
Casale Monferrato, Italy
Occupation ballet dancer
Years active 1994–present
Roberto Bolle is an Italian ballet dancer. He is currently a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre and also holds guest artist status with The Royal Ballet and La Scala Theatre Ballet, making regular appearances with both companies.

Bolle was born in Casale Monferrato in the Piedmont Region of Italy. He began ballet studies at age seven at a local school, and was accepted at the La Scala theatre ballet school in Milan at the age of eleven. Rudolf Nureyev chose Roberto to interpret Tadzio in the ballet Death in Venice.
In 1996, following an appearance in Romeo and Juliet, twenty year old Bolle was promoted to Principal Dancer at La Scala. He left that position when he was 21 to pursue a freelance career. Since then he has starred in many ballets including Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Cinderella, The Nutcracker, Giselle, Notre-Dame de Paris, and In the middle somewhat elevated.
Bolle has danced for the Royal Ballet, the Tokyo Ballet, the National Ballet of Canada, the Stuttgart Ballet, the Finnish National Ballet, the Staatsoper in Berlin, the Vienna State Opera, the Staatsoper in Dresden, the Bavarian State Opera, the Internationale Maifestspiele Wiesbaden, the 8th and 9th International Ballet Festivals in Tokyo, the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, and the City Theatre in Florence.
Derek Deane, the English National Ballet director, created two productions for him: Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet, both of them performed at the Royal Albert Hall in London. On the 10th anniversary of the Opera Theatre in Cairo, he performed in Aida at the pyramids of Giza and afterwards at the Arena in Verona for a new version of the opera live worldwide.
In October 2000 he opened the season at Covent Garden Opera House in London performing Swan Lake, choreographed by Anthony Dowell, and in November he was invited by the Bolshoi Ballet to celebrate Maya Plisetskaya's 75th anniversary in the presence of President Vladimir Putin.
In June 2002, on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee, he danced at Buckingham Palace in the presence of the Queen. The event was broadcast live by BBC and transmitted to all the Commonwealth countries.
During the 2003-2004 season, he was promoted to Etoile of La Scala Theatre. On 1 April 2004 he danced in front of the Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square to celebrate young people's day. On 7 December, to celebrate the re-opening of La Scala Theatre after its restoration, he danced Europa riconosciuta with Alessandra Ferri and three weeks later in the New Year’s Eve Star Gala.
In December 2005 at Covent Garden Opera House in London he performed Frederick Ashton’s production of Sylvia, broadcast by the BBC on Christmas Day.
Bolle danced at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin where he performed a solo created for him by Enzo Cosimi. The ceremony was broadcast worldwide and seen by 2.5 billion people.
In 2007 he performed for the first time as a guest artist with ABT, on the occasion of Alessandra Ferri’s farewell performance.
For the 2009 Spring Season at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, Bolle performed as a Principal Dancer with the American Ballet Theatre: the first time that a male Italian dancer joined the Company as a Principal. The "Dance Listings" in the New York Times on June 26, 2009 described Bolle as "utterly gorgeous (in both looks and dance)". Bolle’s Spring 2010 American Ballet Theater performances include The Lady of the Camellias, Swan Lake, La Bayadère, and Romeo and Juliet.
Bolle has appeared in numerous fashion and style magazines, and has been featured in advertising campaigns; Ferragamo featured Bolle in a 2008 promotion. Bolle also has an agreement with Giorgio Armani, who supplies him with clothes. He also was featured in Vogue US 2009 alongside supermodel Coco Rocha in an editorial spread.
Since 1999 he has been a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. In 2006 he visited Sudan, spending time at schools and hospitals. As of June 2007, he had raised over $655,000 for education and health projects in Sudan.
fredag 23 december 2011
måndag 12 december 2011
Betty Bowers

Betty Bowers is the fictional central character on the satirical website BettyBowers.com. The character is a parody of a hypocritical American Christian.
The character and the content associated with the character were created by writer Paul A. Bradley. Betty Bowers is currently portrayed by voice actor and comedienneDeven Green, appearing both in photographs and numerous satirical videos.
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[edit]Betty Bowers 'biography'
According to Bradley's fictional satirical biography of Mrs. Betty Bowers, she proclaims herself "America's Best Christian".[1] Bowers operates several Christian ministries with names like "Bringing Integrity To Christian Homemakers" (B.I.T.C.H.)[2] and "Baptists Are Saving Homosexuals" (B.A.S.H.).[3] She is a member ofLandover Baptist Church,[4] which she claims is "God's favorite church".[citation needed] Bowers is depicted in "photographs" as prim and proper, usually with a look of disdain or disapproval on her face.[5]
[edit]Website content
The character, as well as the content of the website, was created by Paul A. Bradley, who is also one of the lead writers for the websites LandoverBaptist.org (a parody site concerning religion) and Whitehouse.org. Bradley is the sole author of all material on the Betty Bowers site, as well as the author of What Would Betty Do? (Simon & Schuster 2002), based on the same character. Bradley was also a co-author of The White House Employee Handbook (Penguin 2004) and Welcome to Jesusland! (formerly the United States of America) (Time Warner 2006). The character Betty Bowers appears in all three of these books. [6]
Via the Betty Bowers website, the character is used to make satirical statements regarding the Religious Right, homosexuality and gay rights, creationism, religiousfundamentalism, and the Republican Party, among others. The content of the website and site "newsletters" varies; sometimes the satire is a tongue-in-cheek spoof of its intended target, whereas other pieces may have content that is directly critical of those targets.
Bowers also has written several movie reviews, most notably for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,[7] Hannibal[8] and The Passion of the Christ.[9] She claimsHarry Potter is a "one-way ticket to hell," and that it is a terrible movie due to its depiction of witchcraft, while commenting that Hannibal is a wonderful depiction of God's true nature and that The Passion of the Christ is a great family film.
The character's surname, along with that of fellow Landover Baptist member Brother Harry Hardwick, derives from Bowers v. Hardwick, the 1986 U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding a Georgia sodomy law.[citation needed]

måndag 5 december 2011
söndag 4 december 2011
torsdag 1 december 2011
What's this food
Vart är Sverige på väg? (Den 52-åriga sjuksköterskan.)
Sjuksköterskan som vägrade skicka ambulans till den döende Emil Linnell frias från misstankar.
Eva Linnell Vassikalis är den avlidne Emils Linnells mamma menar att sjuksköterskan har gjort fel på flera punkter och inte följt gällande riktlinjer.
Hon säger att man kan inte fälla någon om man, som Stockholms tingsrätt gjort, resonerar att det måste "i hög grad" ha varit sannolikt att den sjuke skulle ha överlevt om ambulans skickats.
Hon tycker att domen skadar tilltron till det svenska samhället och säger att familjen ska överklaga.
Advokat Jan Freij, föräldrarnas juridiska biträde, tycker att tingsrätten dragit oriktiga slutsatser om sjuksköterskans agerande.
Åklagaren Gunnar Fjaestad har däremot ännu inte tagit ställning till om han ska överklaga den friande domen. Men i en skriftlig kommentar säger han att om ambulans hade skickats, och om vården av Linnell börjat redan i ambulansen, så hade "prognosen vänt" till Linnells fördel.
Björn Hurtig, sjuksköterskans advokat, är nöjd. Under rättegången argumenterade han för just det som domen kommer fram till — att det inte är säkert fastställt att Linnell inte hade dött om ambulans hade skickats.
Josef Zila, professor i straffrätt vid Örebro universitet, har svårt att direkt se alternativa brottsrubriceringar som åklagaren kunde nått större framgång med.
Han pekar på att mycket i målet är medicinska bedömningar. Om det går vidare till hovrätten funderar Zila på om inte åklagaren borde överväga att be även andra medicinska experter att titta på ärendet.
Den 52-årig sjuksköterskan på SOS Alarm var misstänkt för grovt vållande till annans död för att han inte skickade ambulans, trots att den 23-åriga Emil Linnell upprepade gånger bad honom om det. Några timmar senare avled Emil Linnell till följd av en brusten mjälte.
Visserligen har sjuksköterskan, genom att inte skicka ambulans, gjort sig skyldig till ett "otillåtet risktagande" enligt tingsrätten. Men för att fällas för det brott han åtalats för krävs att det "i hög grad" ska ha varit sannolikt att mannen inte dött om ambulans skickats.
Det är enligt rätten ett "högt beviskrav som gränsar till visshet". I prövningen av målet kan inte tingsrätten hitta denna höga grad av sannolikhet. SOS Alarm-sjuksköterskan frias därmed och blir heller inte skadeståndsskyldig.
Sjuksköterskan, som under rättegången beskrev symptombilden som oklar och att Emil Linnell ur medicinsk synvinkel verkade "förvånansvärt pigg", hävdade med bestämdhet att han är oskyldig och bör frias.
Åklagaren betonade under rättegången att Emil Linnell vädjade om ambulans 13 gånger.
Sjuksköterskan svarade att åklagaren skulle bli förvånad om han visste hur många som ringer till SOS Alarm och vädjar och hotar.
Under rättegången i Stockholms tingsrätt för två veckor sedan yrkade Fjaestad på åtta till tolv månaders fängelse.
fredag 25 november 2011
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Ingredients 2 1/2 dl 3 tbsp liquid from chickpeas 1/2 tsp white wine vinegar 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp black pepper 2 dl ne...
J ag har sett DANCING FORWARD, en repetition på Kungliga Operan: " Minns du den där scenen i Picassos äventyr, där Picasso gjort ...