söndag 26 augusti 2018

First day in Gothenburg

So last autumn I was on a sit down tour to Sweden’s second biggest city, Gothenburg. This is the first in a series of travel diaries, recorded in my instagram stories, and edited and uploaded to my IGTV account. 

Heres the link: https://www.instagram.com/tv/BkVxL4yjyrv/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=1eec9opc1hpmp

#Oscarsrevyn #lifeontour #oscarsrevynigöteborg @gitglad @david_m_julio #Stockholm #Göteborg #Train #mtr #tåg #Lorensbergsteatern #Vegan #gay #dresser @perukmakare #backstage #gothenburg #rain #regn #parkaveny #hotel @flyingtigerse #trams #spårvagn #umbrella #paraply

The Unboxment of my new iMac

So, a couple of weeks ago, my old iMac died, and I consequently bought a new, but I hadn't had time to unbox and istall it until now: so heres of video on my IGTV channel about the whole experience: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bm7vJwZBjjG/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=1jrbxdyaz111h

onsdag 22 augusti 2018

The Losement of the Keys


Try the link above if this seems interesting:)

#theatre #gay #vegan #teater #musical #musikal #oscarsteatern #himmelenpåoscars #bergmanbacksage #igtv #igtvchannel #shirt #costumes #dresser #påklädare #ikulissen #nametags #namnlappar #costumes #kostymer #ohlssonstyger #gossip #stageright #scenhöger #stageleft #scenvänster #cherrypicker #keys #technicolor #blanchedubois #stanleykowalski #veganburrito #gelatinfree #malemodel #manligmodell #actors #skådespelare #mystery #namnlappar #kays #childwrangler #backstage 
#marktwain #rupaul #podcast 

måndag 20 augusti 2018

A Day of Carry-ing

At the theatre we start hanging the costumes in the dressing rooms, and I might buy a computer.

Here's the link to my IGTV CHANNEL:


#gay #dresser #vegan #himmelenpåoscars #Costumes #computer #newcomputer #glam #makeup #theatre #teater #musical #musikal #monday #fittingroom #dressingroom #shorts #firstdayofschool #director #regissör #kostymer #actor #actors #skådespelare #gabriellassång @jenny.holmgren #backstage @tailorch @gitglad @frkfunke @annicaedstam #fnula #pincurls #makeuptest #stage #model #glamsquat #fika #coffeebreak #denmark #spain #presents #bike #cykel #danmark #spanien #birthday #födelsedagspresent #mediamarkt #toothpaste #tandkräm #licoricetoothpaste #lakritstandkräm #plants #växter 

söndag 19 augusti 2018

A fitting and a fashion show

On my IGTV Channel: Saturday at the theatre. The cast is rehearsing and I and @Annagagert  have fittings with @david_m_julio with @annicaedstam and @frkfunke, among others. Then I continue my list making. There is also a legendary coffee commercial. 

Sounds interesting? Go here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bmp-3SkBwR2/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=dbxx78unc45b

#himmelenpåoscars #Theatre #musical #Musikal #teater #igtv #backstage #fittings #costumes #coffee #coffeecommercial #childernshour #dresser #påklädare #passningslista #oscarsteatern #vegan #gay @vicmosa #fashion #fitting #sneakpeak #linafunke #veganlunch #veganburger #mylittlefriend

**What if backstage moments were the real show? 🎭📸**

Throwback to June 14, 2024, at **Turteatern** in Kärrtorp, where my friend **Christian Hedenfeld** and I took this selfie with the set of th...