lördag 3 april 2021

210327 Curry Leaves, A New Clothes Discipline, Organising Spices, Labell...

In this episode I shop for something previously unheard of: Curry Leaves, I Make a 699 kcal Indian Stew, and I also decide to start using more of my wardrobe, not just the same clothes over and over, I start organising my spices, and even start labelling jars with my Dymo label maker LINKS: My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman A Great Soup: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMwsYpxnJx0/?igshid=krwzl79xqllb OUT FOR BLOOD PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/out-for-blood-the-story-of-carrie-the-musical/id1535845072?i=1000510418452 The Uncooperative Remote Control, Aglio e Olio and the crown, it’s all happening at Ulfs https://www.instagram.com/tv/CM7u5yRJ2nZ/?igshid=mhdowqb87k1v TODAY 2020: ”Balcony Breakfast, Pot de Crème, workout music, Pasta for Legions and Magnus on Skype” https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-h1lnRjMZp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: 190327 HOW I BROKE MY RIB AND FOUND A STAND MIXER YOUTUBE https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwK-kbkgdyf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
@outforbloodpodcast #Clothes #kläder #wardrobe #garderob #closet #rotatingmywardrobe #spices #kryddor #dymo #labelmaker #jars #glassjars #glasburkar #dietsoup #spicerack #kryddhylla #veganweightloss #indianstew #indiskgryta #veganskindiskgryta #kcal #curryleaves #curryblad #j210327 #vegan #gay #gayvegan #stockholm #sweden #diary Clothes, kläder, wardrobe, garderob, closet, rotating my wardrobe, spices, kryddor, dymo, label maker, jars, glass jars, glasburkar, diet soup, spice rack, krydd hylla, vegan weigh tloss, indian stew, indiskgryta, vegansk indisk gryta, kcal, curry leaves, curryblad, j210327, vegan, gay, gay vegan, stockholm, sweden, diary,

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