söndag 25 april 2021

210418 Fabulous Fringe Curtains, Wonderful Walk in Sensational Spring St...

In this episode I put up my fringe curtain in my balcony door opening, Ulf and I go for a walk, then we drive to Ikea’s and at Ulf’s there’s a great wine, good falafel and The Crown on Netflix. And some great tasting but interesting looking grapes. Ulf also try to assemble a foldable plastic chair from Fluxchair 


My Youtube Channel:  https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman

Let’s Make 440 kcal Vegan Chickpea Flour Pancakes: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNzNrDIHfvj/?igshid=ln2do39jr6a4 

Sublime shopping at Marvelous Mall Of Scandinavia, Darling Deers, Capricious Crown on Necessary Netflix, a Victorious Vase and a Priceless Puffy Jacket: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CN0pMyVJRAI/?igshid=10fpyf80h442e 

TODAY 2020: 200418 A DIRTY, DUSTY YELLOW AND A TREND RAPPORT: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_awPJMDlwi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

TODAY 2019: 190418 DO YOU VACUUM YOU BALCONY?: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bwd64mlgtTH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Vento’z Alvarhino: https://www.systembolaget.se/produkt/vin/ventoz-605207/

#hm #hmsocks #gayvegan #beadedcurtain #pärldraperi #dvfpot #flowerpot #socks #gay #fringecurtain #fransdraperi #bauhaus #ikea #netflix #thecrown #wine #whitewine #fluxchair #ikeakungenskurva #falfel #drive #car #stockholm #vegan #hemmahosulf #ulfnordlander #origami #bauhaus #gayfriends #j210418 @superulfo 

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