onsdag 26 maj 2021

210519 Party Preparations and an Enchanted Walk on Söder

This is the day before Magnus’s 50th birthday, so I need to fix some things in preparation for the celebration. Like booze. And a cake. And the Majsan, Christian and I go for a walk in the enchanted, remote parts of Söder
LINKS: My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman ”210512 I get Pfizted!”: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CPEJ9D6pQvP/?utm_medium=copy_link TODAY 2020:”200519 A CONVALECING MAGNUS, TIK-TOK CHIPS AND FALSETTOS AT MARTIN’S”: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAqhfAipn30/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019:”190519 FACE MASKS, ULF AND VEGAN AT IKEA Youtube190519 FACE MASKS, ULF AND VEGAN AT IKEA”: https://www.instagram.com/tv/ByLmmDpIyuc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link #50th #systembolaget #tequila #lego #magnusboren #pinkgrapefruitjuice #lapaloma #vegan #gay #goodstores #rödakorset #myrorna #södermalm #walk #promenad #railway #railwaytracks #tracks #christianhedenfeldt #järnvägsspår #kolonistugor #kolonistuga #gazpacho #coworkers #gayvegan #stockholm #sweden #söder #tanto #j210519 @magnusboren @christianhedenfeldt @majsmarianne @goodstores 50th, systembolaget, tequila, lego, magnus boren, pink grapefruit juice, paloma, vegan, gay, goodstores, röda korset, myrorna, södermalm, walk, promenad, railway, railway tracks, tracks, christian hedenfeldt, järnvägsspår, kolonistugor, kolonistuga, gazpacho, co-workers, gayvegan, stockholm, sweden, söder, tanto, j210519

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