torsdag 20 april 2023

HOW I GOT MY BIRTHDAY CAKE #celebration #itsallaboutme #gayinsweden #veg...

So, I'm getting to be quite old...

Birthday, födelsedag, gay, stockholm, sweden, sverige, vegan, backstage, 
costumes, kostymer, scenkostymer, we will rock you, Black salt, kala namak, rock salt, theatre costumes, birthday cake, födelsedagstårta, bao, bagel, bao bagel, espresso house, vegan bao, vegan bagel, vegan in stockholm, vegan i stockholm, vegan stockholm, west end stockholm, playhouse teater, musical, artists, singing, dancing, sång, dans, dressrehearsal, genrep, musical, musical theatre, musikal, bows, applådtack, 

#Birthday #födelsedag #gay #stockholm #sweden #sverige #vegan #backstage #
costumes #kostymer #scenkostymer #wewillrockyou #Blacksalt #kalanamak #rocksalt #theatrecostumes #birthdaycake #födelsedagstårta #bao #bagel #baobagel #espressohouse #veganbao #veganbagel #veganinstockholm #veganistockholm #veganstockholm #westendstockholm #playhouseteater 

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**What if Every Costume Tells a Story?**

This is the oldest photo on my phone, taken backstage at the theatre on February 11, 2024 🎭. It features the radiant actresses Cissi Wrange...