tisdag 4 april 2023


So, while cleaning my apartment, I accidentaly bought tickets for the theatre, 

Sommarboken, laundry, tove Jansson, play, cleaning, stockholm, gay, vegan, sweden, snow, snö, tvätt, städa, persian, persian rice, vegan rice, diet, weightloss, healthy, salad, Balcony, feed the birds, mata fåglarna, fågelmat, living in stockhom, sort the laundry, podcast, going to the theatre, funny, fun, diary, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lesbian, mumintrollen, theatre in stockholm, teater i stockholm, kulturhuset stadsteatern, drag, teater, pjäs, publik, kultur, kultur i stockholm,  


MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman 

Minst en gång i veckan youtube kanal https://www.youtube.com/@minstengangiveckan

My Theatre Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/minst_en_gang_i_veckan/

#Sommarboken #laundry #toveJansson #play #cleaning #stockholm #gay #vegan #sweden #snow #snö #tvätt #städa #persian #persianrice #veganrice #diet #weightloss #healthy #salad #Balcony #feedthebirds #matafåglarna #fågelmat #livinginstockhom #sortthelaundry #podcast #goingtothetheatre #funny

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