fredag 30 april 2021

210423 Wonderful Walk with Magnificent Magnus and Charismatic Cherry Blo...

In this episode I’m meeting Magnus in the Old City in Stockholm, to take a walk to Kungsträdgården, The Kings Garden, to see the Japanese cherry trees blossom. We also check in on the royal castle, some buildings in Gamla Stan, the Royal Opera, We go into @mio_officiell, a furniture store, I buy some clothes @hm_man, and then we walk around the the island of the old town LINKS: My Youtube Channel: TODAY 2020: 200423 CLEAN WINDOWS, A DARK GREEN COLOR AND A GREAT TOSTADA RECIPE: TODAY 2019: 190423 SAVING THE PLANET, SINGELHANDEDLY, AND ONE MORE THING: TODAY 2018: 180423 FAKE FISH FINGERS:
@hm_man @hmhome #carmenmiranda #cherryblossoms #körsbärsblommor #magnusboren #kungsträdgården #japanecherryblossoms #japanskakörsbärsträd #japanese #japanska #gamlastan #mio #hm #hmman #gamlastan #stockholm #sweden #sverige #sverige #walk #promenad #gay #vegan #gayvegan #royalcastle #royalopera #furniture #gayfriends #gaymen #vlogger #j210423 carmen miranda, cherry blossoms, körsbärsblommor, magnus boren, kungsträdgården, japanese cherry blossoms, japanska körsbärsträd, japanese, japanska, gamla stan, mio, h&m, h&m man, gamla stan, stockholm, sweden, sverige, sverige, walk, promenad, gay, vegan, gay vegan, royal castle, royal opera, furniture, gay friends, gay men, vlogger, j210423 vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet, dairy free, plantbased, vegan food share, vegans, go vegan, vegans of ig, What vegans eat, vegan food, insta food, food pic, vegan, food porn, vegan i stockholm, vegan in stockholm, vegan in sweden, vegan i sverige, svensk vegan, swedish vegan, Meatless , vegan, vegan food, veganism, vegans, vegan life style, vegan life, vegans of instagram, vegan gay, Vegano, vegans, vegan recipes, vegan Community, vegan fitness, vegan eats, vegan breakfast, vegan love, vegan food lovers, vegan power, vegan bodybuilding, vegan af, vegan foodie, vegan for life, vegan beauty vegan athlete, vegan share, vegan dinner, vegan friendly, vegan fit, Vegan guy, vegan man, gay vegan, vegan gay, go vegan, vegan fo rthe animals, vegan, vegans, vegan for the planet, vegan for the environment, vegan food, vegan life, vegan lifestyle, vegan world, vegan family, vegan community, cruelty free, meat free, meatless monday, meatless meals, meat is murder, dairy free, dairy is scary, plant based, plant based food, plant based diet, plant based nutrition, plantbased recipes, plant based meals, plant based power, plant based eating, plant based foodie, plant based living, diet, diet plan, diets, dieting, diet tips diet low carb, fatloss diet, try it or diet, weight loss diet, diet diary, diet food, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight, weight loss transformation, weight loss motivation, weight loss inspiration, weight loss tips, weight loss support, weight loss food, weight loss goals, weight loss help, weight loss diary, weight loss community, vegan weight loss recipe, weight loss success, weight loss story, weight loss challenge, weight loss ideas, vegan weight loss, vegan weight loss journey, vegan weight loss motivation, vegan weight loss transformation, vegan weight loss tips, vegan weight loss diet, vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet,


Amygdalota (Greek: #Αμυγδαλωτά; almond pears) are a type of almond cookie associated with the Cyclades. Although these cookies don't contain any coconut, they are sometimes called "Greek macaroons". They may be called rozethes, ergolavoi or troufes in some regions, and can be shaped like pears, or balls or other shapes. Whatever the shape, these cookies are usually made to be small enough to eat in one bite. They can be sweetened with honey and flavored with orange flower water or rose water. There are similar almond cookies found throughout the cuisines of the eastern Mediterranean region
#bakinggoals #bakingwithlove #bakingcakes #bakingcookies #bakingsupplies
#bakingmode #bakingpassion #bakingrecipes #bakingsoda #baking #veganofinstagram #veganliving #crueltyfree #vegandiet #dairyfree #plantbased #veganfoodshare #vegans #vegan #amygdalota #cookies #cookiesofinstagram #cookiestagram #cookiesorbetter #cookieshomemade #vegancookies #cookiesforbreakfast #cookieslover #cookiesofig #cookiesfordays #cookiesofinsta #sugarcookies #instacookies #cookies🍪 #cookiesviral #cookieart #cookiesart #cookielovers #cookiedough #cookiemonster #cookieoftheday #customcookies #cookie vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet, dairy free, plantbased, vegan food share, vegans, go vegan, vegans of ig, What vegans eat, vegan food, insta food, food pic, vegan, food porn, vegan i stockholm, vegan in stockholm, vegan in sweden, vegan i sverige, svensk vegan, swedish vegan, Meatless , vegan, vegan food, veganism, vegans, vegan life style, vegan life, vegans of instagram, vegan gay, Vegano, vegans, vegan recipes, vegan Community, vegan fitness, vegan eats, vegan breakfast, vegan love, vegan food lovers, vegan power, vegan bodybuilding, vegan af, vegan foodie, vegan for life, vegan beauty vegan athlete, vegan share, vegan dinner, vegan friendly, vegan fit, Vegan guy, vegan man, gay vegan, vegan gay, go vegan, vegan fo rthe animals, vegan, vegans, vegan for the planet, vegan for the environment, vegan food, vegan life, vegan lifestyle, vegan world, vegan family, vegan community, cruelty free, meat free, meatless monday, meatless meals, meat is murder, dairy free, dairy is scary, plant based, plant based food, plant based diet, plant based nutrition, plantbased recipes, plant based meals, plant based power, plant based eating, plant based foodie, plant based living, diet, diet plan, diets, dieting, diet tips diet low carb, fatloss diet, try it or diet, weight loss diet, diet diary, diet food, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight, weight loss transformation, weight loss motivation, weight loss inspiration, weight loss tips, weight loss support, weight loss food, weight loss goals, weight loss help, weight loss diary, weight loss community, vegan weight loss recipe, weight loss success, weight loss story, weight loss challenge, weight loss ideas, vegan weight loss, vegan weight loss journey, vegan weight loss motivation, vegan weight loss transformation, vegan weight loss tips, vegan weight loss diet, vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet,


The beetroot is the taproot portion of a beet plant, usually known in Canada and the USA as beets while the vegetable is referred to as beetroot in British English, and also known as the table beet, garden beet, red beet, dinner beet or golden beet. It is one of several cultivated varieties of Beta vulgaris grown for their edible taproots and leaves (called beet greens); they have been classified as B. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Conditiva Group. Besides being used as a food, beets have uses as a food colouring and as a medicinal plant. Many beet products are made from other Beta vulgaris varieties, particularly sugar beet. Falafel Arabic: فلافل‎, is a deep-fried ball or patty-shaped fritter made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both. Falafel is a traditional Middle Eastern food, commonly served in a pita, which acts as a pocket, or wrapped in a flatbread known as taboon; "falafel" also frequently refers to a wrapped sandwich that is prepared in this way. The falafel balls are topped with salads, pickled vegetables, hot sauce, and drizzled with tahini-based sauces. Falafel balls may also be eaten alone as a snack or served as part of a meze tray (assortment of appetizers). Falafel is eaten throughout the Middle East and is a common street food. Falafel is usually made with fava beans in Egypt and with chickpeas in the Levant. It is popular with vegetarians world-wide.
#veganfortheanimals #vegan #vegans #falafel #beetroot
#veganfood #veganbreakfast #mushrooms #veganlife #veganlifestyle #veganworld #veganfamily #vegancommunity #crueltyfree #meatfree #meatlessmonday #meatlessmeals #meatismurder #dairyfree #dairyisscary #plantbased #plantbasedfood #plantbaseddiet #plantbasednutrition #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeals #plantbasedpower #plantbasedeating #plantbasedfoodie #plantbasedliving diet, diet plan, diets, dieting, diet tips diet low carb, fatloss diet, try it or diet, weight loss diet, diet diary, diet food, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight, weight loss transformation, weight loss motivation, weight loss inspiration, weight loss tips, weight loss support, weight loss food, weight loss goals, weight loss help, weight loss diary, weight loss community, vegan weight loss recipe, weight loss success, weight loss story, weight loss challenge, weight loss ideas, vegan weight loss, vegan weight loss journey, vegan weight loss motivation, vegan weight loss transformation, vegan weight loss tips, vegan weight loss diet, vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet, vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet, dairy free, plantbased, vegan food share, vegans, go vegan, vegans of ig, What vegans eat, vegan food, insta food, food pic, vegan, food porn, vegan i stockholm, vegan in stockholm, vegan in sweden, vegan i sverige, svensk vegan, swedish vegan, Meatless , vegan, vegan food, veganism, vegans, vegan life style, vegan life, vegans of instagram, vegan gay, Vegano, vegans, vegan recipes, vegan Community, vegan fitness, vegan eats, vegan breakfast, vegan love, vegan food lovers, vegan power, vegan bodybuilding, vegan af, vegan foodie, vegan for life, vegan beauty vegan athlete, vegan share, vegan dinner, vegan friendly, vegan fit, Vegan guy, vegan man, gay vegan, vegan gay, go vegan, vegan fo rthe animals, vegan, vegans, vegan for the planet, vegan for the environment, vegan food, vegan life, vegan lifestyle, vegan world, vegan family, vegan community, cruelty free, meat free, meatless monday, meatless meals, meat is murder, dairy free, dairy is scary, plant based, plant based food, plant based diet, plant based nutrition, plantbased recipes, plant based meals, plant based power, plant based eating, plant based foodie, plant based living,

torsdag 29 april 2021

210422 Sudden Snow, Great Greek Cookies, Amazing Amygdalotas, Beautiful ...

In this episode I wake to a sudden winter: snow, cold, greyness, then I bake Amygdalotas, Greek cookies, and cook beetroot falafel with vegan feta cheese sauce, and finally Ulf shows up, bearing my birthday gifts: two cushion covers from Dvf x H&M. LINKS: My Youtube Channel: Sensational Sprouting Gladiolus bulbs, Glamorous green Lentil pasta, wonderful walk with Martin and a charming children’s Playground: TODAY 2020:200422 WHAT'S THE BUZZ PART ONE WE'RE GONNA GO DRONING: 200422-2 WHAT'S THE BUZZ? PART TWO WE'RE DRONING: 200422-3 WHAT'S THE BUZZ? PART THREE WE'VE BEEN DRONING: TODAY 2019: 190422 SQUIRRELS, BRUSCETTA, ANDANTE,& RIBOLLITA. IN SHORT JE NE CROISSANT:

#snow #snö #rain #regn #spring #vår #amygdalota #almondflour #aquafaba #falafel #rödbetsfalafel #beetrootfalafel #veganfeta #veganfetacheese #fetacheesesauce #ulfnordlander #gay #vegan #stockholm #sweden #gayvegan #dinner #vegandinner #dvfxhm #hmhome #birthdaypresent #birthday #vlog #gayvlogger #j210422 snow, snö, rain, regn, spring, vår, amygdalota, almond flour, aqua faba, falafel, rödbetsfalafel, beetroot falafel, vegan feta, vegan fetacheese, feta cheese sauce, ulf nordlander, gay, vegan, stockholm, sweden, gay vegan, dinner, vegan dinner, dvf x h&m, h&m home, birthday present, birthday, vlog, gay vlogger, j210422

onsdag 28 april 2021

210421 The inaugural Kitchen Cleanup, a Biblical Blood test, and the Bac...

In this episode I have decided not to go outside, because, since I’ve invited Ulf to dinner on Thursday, I need to clean up. Then, being old, I apply for a health program where they help people at risk of getting diabetes. I just got to get accepted first. And that requires a blood test. Vegan dinner is chickpea flour pancakes, and then my big box from Dvf x H&M Home arrives. Well, not arrives, I have to pick it up... LINKS: My Youtube Channel: DVF X H&M HOME: Wonderful Walk in Sunny Springy Stockholm, Charismatic caloric caramel cookies, and Mesmerizing Martin: TODAY 2020: 200421 DROOPING AVOCADO PLANTS AND A RATHER BLAND PIE AND THE COLOR PURPLE: TODAY 2019: 190421 CHARITY SHOPPING, SELFIE STICKS, CHERRYBLOSSOMS IN THE KINGS GARDEN & BOXED LOW CAL LUNCHES: TODAY 2018: 180421 LOTS OF LITTLE CLIPS
#dinnerinvitation #middagsbjudning #dinner #middag #cleaning #städa #kitchen #kök #diabetes #healthcheck #hälsoundersökning #vegan #gay #gayvegan #veganlunch #vegansklunch #chickpeaflour #chickpeaflourpancakes #kikärtsmjöl #pancakes #pannkakor #herculepoirot #almondflour #mandelmjöl #dvfxhmhome #dianevonfurstenberg #style #interiordecoration #gay #j210421 dinner invitation, middagsbjudning, dinner, middag, cleaning, städa, kitchen, kök, diabetes, health check, hälsoundersökning, vegan, gay, gay vegan, vegan lunch, vegansk lunch, chickpea flour, chickpea flour pancakes, kikärtsmjöl, pancakes, pannkakor, hercule poirot, almond flour, mandelmjöl, dvf x hm home, diane von furstenberg, style, interior decoration, gayman , j210421

210421 DVF X H&M HOME

Diane von Fürstenberg (born Diane Simone Michele Halfin; 31 December 1946) is a Belgian fashion designer best known for her wrap dress. She initially rose to prominence in 1969 when she married into the German princely House of Fürstenberg, as the wife of Prince Egon von Fürstenberg. Following their separation in 1972 and divorce in 1983, she has continued to use his family name. Her fashion company, Diane von Furstenberg (DvF), is available in over 70 countries and 45 free-standing shops worldwide, with the company's headquarters and flagship boutique located in Manhattan's Meatpacking District. She is the past Chairwoman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), a position she held from 2006 to 2019 ; in 2014 was listed as the 68th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes; and in 2015 was included in the Time 100, as an Icon, by Time Magazine. In 2016, she was awarded an honorary doctorate from The New School. In 2019, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame Hennes & Mauritz AB (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈhɛ̂nːɛs ɔ ˈmǎʊrɪts]; H&M [ˈhôːɛm]) is a Swedish multinational clothing-retail company known for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers, and children. As of November 2019, H&M operates in 74 countries with over 5,000 stores under the various company brands, with 126,000 full-time equivalent positions. It is the second-largest global clothing retailer, behind Spain-based Inditex (parent company of Zara). Founded by Erling Persson and run by his son Stefan Persson and Helena Helmersson, the company makes its online shopping available in 33 countries Follow me on instagram or Tiktok for more. My Vegan Instagram account: My Theatre Blog: My Blog: My Tumblr: My Youtube Channel: My Pinterest: My Twitter:

#design #designinspiration #designers #designing #designer #designs #designlife #designed #designideas #designinspo #fashion #fashionista #fashionphotography #fashionphotographer #fashions #fashioninspo #fashionstyle #fashionable #fashiondesigner #fashionworld #decoration #decor #homedecor #decorating #decorationideas #decorate #decorations #decorative #homedecoration #interiordecoration #homedesign#homedecor#interiorstyle#interiordecor#decor #interiordecoration #homedecoration #livingdesign #moderninteriors #dinningroom #interiordesign #clothes #mensclothes #mensstyle #mensfashion #fashion #fashioninspiration #style#styles #styleoftheday #stylemen #instastyle #cos #stylegram #styleformen #alternativestyle #fashionstyle #menstyle #casualstyle #menwithstreetstyle #scandinavianstyle #DVF #DIANEVONFURSTENBERG #DVFXHMHOME #VONFURSTENBERG #HMCOLLABORATION #STYLISH #homeware #pattern #hm #HMHOME design, design inspiration, designers, designing, designer designs, design life, designed, design ideas, design inspo fashion, fashionista, fashion photography, fashion photographer, fashions fashion inspo, fashion style, fashionable, fashion designer, fashion world decoration, decor, home decor, decorating, decoration ideas decorate, decorations, decorative, home decoration, interior decoration home design home decor interior style interior decor decor interior decoration, home decoration, living design, modern interiors, diningroom interior design, clothes, mens clothes, mens style, mens fashion, fashion fashion inspiration, style styles, style of the day, style men insta style, cos, stylegram, style for men, alternative style fashion style, men style, casual style, men with streetstyle, scandinavian style DVF, DIANE VON FURSTENBERG, DVF X H&M HOME, VON FURSTENBERG, H&M COLLABORATION, STYLISH, homeware, pattern, hm, H&M HOME

**What if backstage moments were the real show? 🎭📸**

Throwback to June 14, 2024, at **Turteatern** in Kärrtorp, where my friend **Christian Hedenfeld** and I took this selfie with the set of th...