To complement the sweet and spicy flavors of the chicken, I grilled some vibrant red treviso—a standout winter salad with leaves that fan out like octopus tentacles. It chars beautifully at the edges, developing a deep, smoky flavor. I paired it with more of the blood oranges I had already used in the chicken dish. Serves 4.
- **Blood oranges** – 2
- **Radicchio di treviso** – 3
#### **For the Dressing:**
- **Garlic** – 3 plump cloves
- **Garlic** – 1 small clove
- **Dijon mustard** – ½ tsp
- **Date syrup** – 1 tbsp
- **Pomegranate juice** – 4 tbsp (fresh)
Peel the oranges, removing the white pith, and cut them into segments, catching any juice in a small bowl.
Rinse the treviso thoroughly, keeping the heads intact. Trim the root ends and slice each head in half lengthwise.
To make the dressing, pour the date syrup into a jar with a lid. Peel the garlic and crush it into a paste using a fine grater or a mortar and pestle (I prefer a ginger grater for this). Add it to the jar along with the mustard, olive oil, pomegranate juice, and a pinch of salt. Grind in some black pepper, seal the jar, and shake vigorously until smooth and well blended.
Heat a griddle pan until hot. Place the treviso halves cut-side down, pressing them lightly with a palette knife. Allow them to brown slightly before flipping to lightly char the other side. Transfer to a large bowl, drizzle with the dressing, and toss gently to coat. Serve immediately, garnished with the orange segments and their juices.
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