tisdag 19 mars 2019

Dress Rehearsal of ART @Rivalsthlm

I do some laundry, at work, work out, and then I and Ellen go and see a dress rehearsal of Yasmina Rezas ART, at Rival, in Stockholm, direkted by Edward af Sillén.

#dressrehearsal #Rival #yasminreza #stockholm #Art @Rivalsthlm @ellenrebecka @git.glad #Dresser #Costumesupervisor #Spring #workout #blog #Theatreblog #Theatre #minstengångiveckan #play #teater #pjäs #itsshowtime #teatro #theatre

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**What if Every Costume Tells a Story?**

This is the oldest photo on my phone, taken backstage at the theatre on February 11, 2024 🎭. It features the radiant actresses Cissi Wrange...