lördag 30 mars 2019

Gunnar Bubbar & Ingen Bryr Sej

Another two show day; and I'm eating pirogi. Gunnar bubbar a kick scooter and I go around asking cast and crew what is their favorite numbers in the show. 

#igtv #igtvchannel #videoblog #vlog #Gentlemannen #GentlemannenpåOscars #kickscotter #Gunnarbubbar #Agentlemansguidetoloveandmurder #Preset #Musicaltheatre #rekvisita #costumetechnician #backstagecrewlife #backstagedresser #wardrobesupervisor #wardrobecrew #wardrobeteam #musicals #actors

#Bubba #Stage #Costumedesigner #entrance #Quickchange #Cover #Understudy #Backstagevids #Backstagevideos #Backstagesnaps 

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