fredag 15 mars 2019

Swarovski, Dunkin’ Donuts and rhe First Saturday Show

Another show day: Kevin's brought some cups from Dunking Donuts, I ask some hard hitting question, Björn is on the radio doing som Eurovision stuff, I show off the auditorium, and Christian get some great stuff from Swarovski. 

#Ingenbryrsej #eurovision #Dunkindonuts#Artnoveau @swarovski #costumedesigner#Himmelenpåoscars #lesmiserables@hellmans #backstage #musicaltheatre#play #teater #pjäs #itsshowtime #teatro#theatre #musical #backstagecrewlife

#theater #stockholm #sweden #sverige#performingarts #theatredresser#theatredressers #theaterdresser#påklädare #backstagepics

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