onsdag 13 mars 2019

Diana Vreeland Perfumes, Cover Fittings and a Humidifier.

Another day at A GENTLEMANS GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER at Oscarsteatern in Stockholm Sweden. I get interested in a new perfume, we have som cover fittings, and Git introduces our enormous humidifier.

#Gentlemannen #GentlemannenpåOscars#Agentlemansguidetoloveandmurder#theatrecostumes #kostymer#theatrewardrobe #wardrobedepartment#backstagecrew #costumemaintenance#kostymvård #instatheatre #stageprops 
#props #rekvisita #costumetechnician#backstagecrewlife #backstagedresser#wardrobesuperviser #wardrobecrew#wardrobeteam #musicals #actors

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