fredag 12 mars 2021

210305 Procrastinating by recycling, baking, drilling, organising and me...

In today’s episode I continue experimenting with my DIANA VREELAND’S SENSATIONAL SCONES, have breakfast on my all too cold balcony, I upload videos to YouTube, recycle containers, eat a Taquito for lunch, with homegrown hydroponic lettuce, I organise my avocado trees and mend a kitchen drawer. My Tumblr: Today 2020: Today 2019:
#dianavreeland #veganscones #balkong #veganskascones #tea #scottishblend #recipe #recipetryout #video #youtube #recycle #recycle #container #hydroponic #hydroponiclettuce #taquitos #vegantaquitos #ratatouille #couscous #sexandthecity #drill #kitchen #drilling #repair #woodwork #kitchenrepair #gay #vegan #sweden diana vreeland, vegan scones, balkong, veganska scones, tea, scottish blend, recipe, recipe try out, video, youtube, recycle, recycle, container, hydroponic, hydroponic lettuce, taquitos, vegan taquitos, ratatouille, couscous, sex and the city, drill, kitchen, drilling, repair, woodwork, kitchen repair, gay, vegan, sweden, stockholm,

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