fredag 19 mars 2021

210312 It’s Not a Comeback, its the Return of Swedish Word of the Day, a...

In today’s episode I claim to have invented the perfect scones, I take up making Swedish Word of the Day videos at TikTok, I go grocery shopping, make hummus, I back up all my IGTV videos, and then I try to open a bath bomb... My Youtube Channel: Link to IGTV episode: TODAY 2020: 200312 THE LAST THURSDAY AND THE FIRST CORONA RESTRICTED SHOW; It’s the day of the first corona restricted show: no more than 500people in the whole theatre, and that includes audience, cast, crew and front of house. On my way to work at the show I buy spices and a pair of jean paul gaultier pants.: TODAY 2019: 190312 BLOGGING ABOUT LISA NILSSON AND COOKING VEGAN FOOD LIKE ITS 1999( I write on my theatre blog and cook vegan food. It's madness and mayhem!)

#perfect #perfekt #scones #swedishwordoftheday #dianavreeland #dianavreelandssensationalscones #tiktok #groceryshopping #igtv #backup #säkerhetskopiera #bathbomb #bathfizz #badbomb #vegan #gay #gayvegan #learnswedish #scones #perfectscones #baking #backkup #backupfiles #filesbackup #bath #bathtub #sweden #stockholm #svenska #svensk perfect, perfekt, scones, swedish word of the day, diana vreeland, diana vreelands sensational scones, tiktok, grocery shopping, igtv, backup, säkerhets kopiera, bath bomb, bath fizz, badbomb, vegan, gay, gay vegan, learn swedish, scones, perfect scones, baking, sverige, backup files, files backup, bath, bath tub, sweden, stockholm, svenska, svensk,

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