onsdag 29 maj 2019


17115 I work some at Oscarsteatern: packing for the upcoming rehearsal of A GENTLEMANS GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER, and then I and my friend Magnus watch THE WILD PARTY.

#minstengångiveckan #musical #högdalen #thewildparty #musikal  #musicaltheatre #agentlemansguidetoloveandmurder #Theatre #show #gay #vegan #171115 #packing #stockholm #sweden #veganburger #friateatern #andrewlippa #entertainment #showbiz #bootleg #artist #performingarts #dancing #choreography #stage #showbusiness #performance #comedy #musicalcomedy

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What if Backstage Moments Could Tell Their Story?

This photo, captured on November 25, 2023, takes me back to countless backstage memories at the theater. It features my talented colleague a...