onsdag 31 mars 2021

210324 My Uncle Fester Cape, A bike ride to Ikea, a 416 kcal Minestrone,...

In this episode I take a bike ride to Ikea, to buy some rails for the kitchen, but of course I end up buying more than that, then a make a 416 kcal Minestrone soup, and I make a FaceTime call to Magnus, to try to figure out how Zoom works. And then we find the studio effects...

My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman A CRISSCROSS TOUR OF WESTERN HORNSTULL, A DEAD IPHONE AND A LETTUCE CONUNDRUM: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CM0KDx7JqJ-/?igshid=8p1bjrp499mu TODAY 2020: LET'S LASAGNA!!! https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-aRig0DzA2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_lin

TODAY 2019:SUNDAY. SHOW 199, IN WHICH RIKARD IS WRONG https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvaAjXjAP-7/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TODAY 2018: DANIELS TRAY, THREE WINE GLASSES, NO ONE CARES ANDE IT'S EARTH HOUR! https://www.instagram.com/tv/BxHK-1PgACs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link m #wei

ghtloss #countingcalories #weightlossvegan #416kcal #kcal #minestrone #veganminestrone #vegansoup #magnusboren ##veganweightloss #ikea #ikeakungenskurva #shoppingatikea #fältmal #unclefester #hildamaria #cushioncover #leopardprint #leopardprintblanket #adamsfamily #gay #vegan #gayvegan #sweden #sverige #stockholm #gayswede #j210324 @zoom @ikea @ikeakungenskurva @ikeasverige 

@magnusboren @dressed_podcast zoom, weight loss, counting calories, weight loss vegan, 416kcal, kcal, minestrone, vegan minestrone, vegan soup, magnus boren, vegan weight loss, ikea, ikea kungens kurva, shopping at ikea, fältmal, uncle fester, hilda maria, cushion cover, leopard print, leopard print blanket, adams family, gay, vegan, gay vegan, sweden, sverige, stockholm, gay swede, j210324, In this episode, I take a bike ride to Ikea, rails for the kitchen, kitchen rails, I end up buying more than that, 416 kcal Minestrone soup, FaceTime call to Magnus, how Zoom works.  

tisdag 30 mars 2021


In this episode I continue my weigh loss diet, and the Big problem is not eating too much, it’s eating enough. I have my oatmeal porridge breakfast in the sun on my balcony, before going on a bike ride, having a 571 kcal lunch, going on my crosstrainer, starting up my Spotify account, and spend the evening watching the great YouTube channel THE ULTIMATE FASHION HISTORY.

LINKS: My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman Heavier than Ever, Fabulous Boots, criticizing architecture,and Vegan Biff à la Lindström: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMxbX3Npuek/?igshid=ch5lel5dr0ir TODAY 2020: THE BIG KITCHEN CLEAN UP, SWEDISH WORD OF THE DAY REVIVAL, AND MUSHROOM PASTA https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-XqQjVj0GO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: 2 SHOW SATURDAY - PRINCESS LEIA STYLE https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvYey_bgIbB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TODAY 2018: HOW MANY MUSICIANS ARE IN THE PIT, HOW TO PRESET A GUN, AND INSTAGRAM FOR IMBECILES https://www.instagram.com/tv/BxIxDy9ggxL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link #Weightloss #diet #veganweightloss #lifesum #oatmeal #porridge #havregrynsgröt #theultimatefashionhistory #calories #kcal #spotify #banta #gay #vegan #gayvegan #stockholm #sweden #spotify #app #j210323 Weight loss, diet, vegan weight loss, lifesum, oatmeal, porridge, havregrynsgröt, the ultimate fashion history, calories, kcal, spotify, banta, gay, vegan, gay vegan, stockholm, sweden, spotify, app, j210323,

måndag 29 mars 2021


In this episode I’m amazed at how little I filmed the day before, at Mall of Scandinavia. I guess it has something to do with the face mask. I recycle, the Woodpecker is back on my balcony, and I decide to lose weight using the Lifesum app. I FaceTime with Magnus, than Martin shows up, with a yucca cutting, for some tea and tomato cuttings.

LINKS: My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman What’s Spanish for Microwave Oven? Horno Microondas Plus a New Jacket from H&M x Simone Rocha and a Blizzard: https://youtu.be/R1rwH3TtuV8 one Rocha jacket, plus Cardamom tea, tomato planting, mushroom soup, and Dinner at Martin’s : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMu-PJ4pNVa/?igshid=1bo9arhc4f7u9 TODAY 2020: DEFROSTING THE FREEZER, COFFEE IN THE SUN ON MY BLACONY, A BIKE RIDE WITH MARTIN, AND WE VISIT CHRISTIAN AND THE GOLDEN BRIDGE. https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-VRfSCjvqY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: CHRISTOPHER'S ON, MYTHOMANIA AND CERTAIN CURTAINS https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvVMUUTA0y7/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2018: I'M LATE, THEN EARLY TO THE DRESSER AT DRAMATEN, GUNNART PRESETS A JACKET AND SOME DEFILED PHOTOS https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bwsls9Yg8e2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link #facemask #ansiktsmask #weightloss #banta #weightlossvegan #återvinna #recycle #magpie #skata #woodpecker #hackspett #lifesum #weightlossvegan #veganweightloss #weightloss #calories #kcal #383kcal #plants #yucca #yuccacuttings #cuttings #tomatocuttings #tomatoes #growingtomatoes #pollinating #GAY #VEGAN #GAYVEGAN #j210322 facemask, ansiktsmask, weight loss, banta, weight loss vegan, återvinna, recycle, magpie, skata, woodpecker, hackspett, lifesum, weight loss vegan, vegan weight loss, weight loss, calories, kcal, 383kcal, plants, yucca, yucca cuttings, cuttings, tomato cuttings, tomatoes, growing tomatoes, pollinating, GAY, VEGAN, GAYVEGAN, j210322

söndag 28 mars 2021

210321 New Hat, New Jaws Shirt, and a Sleeping Dinner Guest

In this episode Ulf picks me up and we drive to Mall of Scandinavia, where he’s gonna get new eyewear, and I buy a new hat on sale at COS and a new shirt at H&M. Then we go to my place, where he promptly falls asleep on my sofa... LINKS: TODAY 2020: ULF NEEDS A BARBER, RESIZING VIDEOS, LUSCH SOAP, SAUCERSA AND A VEGAN BURGER https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-SkL-2jlY6/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: EVERYBODY LOVES MY VEGAN CHEESCAKE & SOMEONE'S ON FOR THE FIRST TIME https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvV8XnqAEHe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
#drive #mall #biltur #galleria #cos #hat #coshat #hatt #skjorta #jaws #shark #sharkshirt #jawsshirt #haj #middagmedulf #hm #mallofscandinavia #vegandinner #dinner #facemask #ulfnordlander #sleeping #gay #vegan #stockholm #sweden #sverige #rice #dinnerwithafriend #j210221 drive, mall, biltur, galleria, cos, hat, cos hat, hatt, skjorta, jaws, shark, shark shirt, jaws shirt, haj, middag med ulf, hm, mall of scandinavia, vegan dinner, dinner, facemask, ulf nordlander, sleeping, gay, vegan, stockholm, sweden, sverige, rice, dinne rwith a friend , j210221

lördag 27 mars 2021

210320 The Uncooperative Remote Control, Aglio e Olio and the crown, it’...

In this episode I attempt to make a hanging planter, and hen I go home to Ulf, who’s tying up his plants, and we eat pasta aglio e olio, some pineapple and have some grappa and watch the crown on Netflix LINKS: I’m Gonna See Me Sone London Now, and 42nd Street at Drury Lane: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMo1Rn-pSOx/?igshid=mpxfikli0yec It’s Not a Comeback, its the Return of Swedish Word of the Day, and The Unimpenetrable Bath Bomb https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMnGMzfp9VV/?igshid=d0qojzuuxjai TODAY 2020: BUTTERNUT SQUASH CURRY, -WE ARE PLANNING OUR ASSES OFF - GIN-LESS GIN AND TONIC, AND JOAKIM AND MAGNUS https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-QCYjdDlQR/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: VEGAN CHEESECAKE, CAPUNATA, EDITING LOND TIRP AND SHOPPING FOR BOOKS https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvSjctCA_Qs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
#pastaaglioeolio #aglioeolio #hangingplanter #diy #liljeholmen #stockholm #sweden #ulfnordlander #plants #remotecontrol #vegancooking #veganpasta #netflix #remotecontrol #tv #interiordecorating #style #netflix #hemmahosulf #thecrown #grappa #marriageormorgage #ampel #gay #vegan #gayvegan #stockholm #sweden #alcohol #j210320 pasta aglio eolio, aglio e olio, hanging planter, diy, liljeholmen, stockholm, sweden, ulf nordlander, plants, remote control, vegan cooking, vegan pasta, netflix,, tv, interior decorating, style, tv, hemma hos ulf, the crown, grappa, marriage or morgage, ampel, gay, vegan, gay vegan, stockholm, sweden, alcohol, j210320

fredag 26 mars 2021

210319 The Blister From Hell, Hallway Interior Decorating, A Woodpecker ...

In this episode I won’t go for a walk since I’ve got a massive blister, I recycle, take a short bike ride, I get a visit from a woodpecker, find a great Youtube channel, and I fix more space for my plants LINKS: 210312 It’s Not a Comeback, its the Return of Swedish Word of the Day, and The Unimpenetrable Bath Bomb: https://youtu.be/5Wg9tOgtsQE TODAY 2020: RECYCLING GLASS AND PAPER, ROTI BAKING, COSTUME CARRYING, PASSPORT RETREIEVEING AND MORE ROTI BAKING https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-NiwhMp0wB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link ALSO TODAY 2020: Stockholm - How I get Home https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-O0OQEDonb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: Used Books and the Reading of Zahf Dohrns BEDLAM https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvkdRgRACNY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
#Cold #blister #hallway #decorating #interiordecorating #drapes #drapery #curtain #chucky #woodpecker #hackspett #tea #te #draperi #vegansoup #plant #plants #J210319 Cold, blister, hallway, decorating, interior decorating, drapes, drapery, curtain, chucky , woodpecker, hackspett, tea, te, draperi, vegan soup, plant, plants, J210319


torsdag 25 mars 2021


In this episode I go for a walk to Söder, where I visit verkstadsgatan, the Workshop Street, and then I Have a nice cup of Ahmad Cardamom tea in the setting sun on the balcony, before making potatoe flatbread and Kabuli Palaw, Afghan Rice. Link to: What’s Spanish for Microwave Oven? Horno Microondas. Plus a New Jacket from H&M x Simone Rocha, and a Blizzard: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMkfkM0JVwz/?igshid=cv7iv48cqqm3 TODAY 2020: Applying for a passport, vietnamese coffe makers and bicycle pumps: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-K7m3ApsiL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2018: GUNNAR PRESETS A RED SCARF, BUT IT'S MOSTLY ABOUT PEOPLE DYING AND QUICK COSTUME CHANGES : https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bw81nfdghBW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link ALSO TODAY 2018: THE ANATOMY OF A QUICK CHANGE : https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bwtc5_Ig9FA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

#stockholm #söder #potatisbröd #potatobread #vegan #gay #sweden #gadget #kitchengadget #raggmunkar #potatopancakes #kabulipalaw #afghanrice #afghansktris #foodmill ##verkstadsgatan #matkvarn #passerkvarn #merylstreep #deathbecomesher #verkstadsgatan #hornstull #söder #snow #snö #sightseeing #walk #j210318 #gaystockholm, söder, potatisbröd, potato bread, vegan, gay, sweden, gadget, kitchen gadget, raggmunkar, potato pancakes, kabuli palaw, afghan rice, afghanskt ris, food mill, verkstadsgatan, matkvarn, passerkvarn, meryl streep, death becomesher, verkstadsgatan, hornstull, söder, snow, snö, sightseeing, walk, j210318, gay

onsdag 24 mars 2021


In this episode I Continue me exercise regime by starting a new project: walk all the streets on the island SÖDER. I start by crisscrossing the western part of the area of HORNSTULL. And then my phone dies. And back home there’s a lettuce conundrum to solve... LINKS: YESTERDAY 2020: How to make Roti, and the last show that never was https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-FvdKcpKcm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link YESTERDAY 2019: Sara Gets a Mini-Me and Klara is Lena One Last(?) Time https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvKrSDGAANB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
also YESTERDAY 2019: Christian’s Out, Christine’s In: Show 2 of 2 (The One With The Falling Pian https://www.instagram.com/tv/BuRxbvwgBro/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link YESTERDAY 2018: THE DAY THE SWEDISH TELEVISION CAME TO THE THEATRE https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvC8hTLAyk0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link also YESTERDAY 2018: GUNNAR PRESETS SIBELLAS HAT, & LUKAS HAS A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwnLjJqgRgh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2020: WE'RE CANCELLED, MATCHES, VEGAN ICE CREAM, NEW PANTS, AND A READING OF GRAND HORIZONS https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-IQfwUJ81R/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 
also today 2020: GRAND HORIZONS (IN SWEDISH) https://www.instagram.com/tv/B92mTK5p9kF/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: Sunday Show: No One Cares What You’re Doing Tomorrow, and Thereses Boots https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvNRBGpgKrO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2018: GUNNAR PRESETS SIBELLAS GLVOES, AND LOTS AND LOTS OF QUICK CHANGES https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bw5Uu4egOyI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

#vegan #gay #gayvegan #södermalm #söder #hornstull #hornsgatan #stockholm #bergsundsstrand #folkskolegatan #lasseiparken #stockholmsightseeing #sightseeing #stockholmtour #tour #verkstadsgatan #deadiphone #iphone #greens #herbs #growingherbs #hydroponic #lettuce #j210317 vegan, gay, gay vegan, södermalm, söder, hornstull, hornsgatan, stockholm, bergsunds strand, folkskolegatan, lasse i parken, stockholm sightseeing, sightseeing, stockholm tour, tour, verkstadsgatan,

tisdag 23 mars 2021

210316 Heavier than Ever, Fabulous Boots, criticizing architecture,and V...

Today, I’m heavier than ever, so to lose masses of weight I take a long walk over two bridges, into Söder and back, then I make a diet plan, film and edit SWEDISH WORD OF THE DAY, which is “Jeans”, and then I cook BIFF À LA LINDSTRÖM with CREAMED CARROTS. Links: Let’s make Mushroom soup: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMed53Nn6i4/?igshid=1i2cmni55be46 TODAY 2020: How to make Roti, and the last show that never was https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-FvdKcpKcm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2019: Sara Gets a Mini-Me and Klara is Lena One Last(?) Time https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvKrSDGAANB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
also TODAY 2019: Christian’s Out, Christine’s In: Show 2 of 2 (The One With The Falling Pian https://www.instagram.com/tv/BuRxbvwgBro/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TODAY 2018: THE DAY THE SWEDISH TELEVISION CAME TO THE THEATRE https://www.instagram.com/tv/BvC8hTLAyk0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link also TODAY 2018: GUNNAR PRESETS SIBELLAS HAT, & LUKAS HAS A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwnLjJqgRgh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

#vegan #gayvegan #gay #walk #biffalalindström #veganbiffalalindström #stuvademorötter #veganskastuvademorötter #veganskbiffalalindström #creamed #creamedcarrots #swedishwordoftheday #fabulous #boots #arcitecture #uglybuildings #dieting #exercise #weightloss #veganweightloss #exercising #banta #bantning #stockholm #sweden #sverige #gayswede #jeans #gaysverige #j210316 vegan, gay vegan, gay, walk, biff a la lindström, vegan biff a lal indström, stuvade morötter, veganska stuvade morötter, vegansk biff a la lindström, creamed, creamed carrots, swedish word of the day, fabulous, boots, arcitecture, ugly buildings, dieting, exercise, weightloss, vegan weightloss, exercising, banta, bantning, stockholm, sweden, sverige, gay swede, jeans, gay sverige, j210316

Let's Make vegan Biff a al a Lindström and creamed carrots111

I make vegan Biff a la Lindström and creamed carrots

#biffalalindström #veganbiffalalindström #creamedcarrots #vegancreamedcarrots #veganofinstagram #veganliving #crueltyfree #vegandiet #dairyfree #plantbased #veganfoodshare #vegans #govegan #vegansofig #Whatveganseat #veganfood #instafood #foodpic #vegan #foodporn #veganistockholm #veganinstockholm #veganinsweden #veganisverige #svenskvegan #swedishvegan #Meatless #vegan #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangay #Vegano #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganrecipes #veganCommunity #veganfitness #veganeats #veganbreakfast #veganlove #veganfoodlovers #veganpower #veganbodybuilding #veganaf #veganfoodie #veganforlife #veganbeauty #veganathlete #veganshare #vegandinner #veganfriendly #veganfit #Veganguy #veganman #gayvegan #vegangay #govegan #veganfortheanimals #vegan #vegans #veganfortheplanet #veganfortheenvironment #veganfood #veganbreakfast #mushrooms #veganlife #veganlifestyle #veganworld #veganfamily #vegancommunity #crueltyfree #meatfree #meatlessmonday #meatlessmeals #meatismurder #dairyfree #dairyisscary #plantbased #plantbasedfood #plantbaseddiet #plantbasednutrition #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeals #plantbasedpower #plantbasedeating #plantbasedfoodie #plantbasedliving

Let's Make Vegan Mushroom Soup

I make a vegan mushroom soup
#vegan #mushroom #soup #mushroomsoup #veganmushroomsoup #veganofinstagram #veganliving #crueltyfree #vegandiet #dairyfree #plantbased #veganfoodshare #vegans #govegan #vegansofig #Whatveganseat #veganfood #instafood #foodpic #vegan #foodporn #veganistockholm #veganinstockholm #veganinsweden #veganisverige #svenskvegan #swedishvegan #Meatless #vegan #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangay #Vegano #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganrecipes #veganCommunity #veganfitness #veganeats #veganbreakfast #veganlove #veganfoodlovers #veganpower #veganbodybuilding #veganaf #veganfoodie #veganforlife #veganbeauty #veganathlete #veganshare #vegandinner #veganfriendly #veganfit #Veganguy #veganman #gayvegan #vegangay #govegan #veganfortheanimals #vegan #vegans #veganfortheplanet #veganfortheenvironment #veganfood #veganbreakfast #mushrooms #veganlife #veganlifestyle #veganworld #veganfamily #vegancommunity #crueltyfree #meatfree #meatlessmonday #meatlessmeals #meatismurder #dairyfree #dairyisscary #plantbased #plantbasedfood #plantbaseddiet #plantbasednutrition #plantbasedrecipes #plantbasedmeals #plantbasedpower #plantbasedeating #plantbasedfoodie #plantbasedliving vegan of instagram, vegan living, cruelty free, vegan diet, dairy free, plantbased, vegan food share, vegans, go vegan, vegans of ig, What vegans eat, vegan food, insta food, food pic, vegan, food porn, vegan i stockholm, vegan in stockholm, vegan in sweden, vegan i sverige, svensk vegan, swedish vegan, Meatless , vegan, vegan food, veganism, vegans, vegan life style, vegan life, vegans of instagram, vegan gay, Vegano, vegans, vegan recipes, vegan Community, vegan fitness, vegan eats, vegan breakfast, vegan love, vegan food lovers, vegan power, vegan bodybuilding, vegan af, vegan foodie, vegan for life, vegan beauty vegan athlete, vegan share, vegan dinner, vegan friendly, vegan fit, Vegan guy, vegan man, gay vegan, vegan gay, go vegan, vegan fo rthe animals, vegan, vegans, vegan for the planet, vegan for the environment, vegan food, vegan life, vegan lifestyle, vegan world, vegan family, vegan community, cruelty free, meat free, meatless monday, meatless meals, meat is murder, dairy free, dairy is scary, plant based, plant based food, plant based diet, plant based nutrition, plantbased recipes, plant based meals, plant based power, plant based eating, plant based foodie, plant based living,

måndag 22 mars 2021

210315 All about the Simone Rocha jacket, plus Cardamom tea, tomato plan...

In this episode I tidy up in the kitchen, trying to find room for everything I bought at the grocery store the day before, I make a great mushroom soup, I collect a parcel from H&M, I lie to the sales person, and then I have dinner at Martin’s and watch MARY POPPINS RETURNS LINKS: Link to IGTV episode: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMVJL6yFM_l/?igshid=1bw7k1nwfr7yv Link to :I start a workout regime and the results are instantaneous: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMcjf1mJr4m/?igshid=1ehg7ygxpum03 My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman TODAY 2020: The pouff that got away - and the stuff that didn’t : https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-DI5jkJLNO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TODAY 2018: Which of the seven dwarfs would you prefer to be stuck in an elevator with? https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwoPDXeA-mQ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

#kitchen #kitchencleanup #kök #köksstädning #aleppopepper #aleppopeppar #sevan #ahmadtea #cardamomtea #podcast #bluetoothspeaker #pböter #parkingtickets #tomato #tomatoseeds #simonerocha #simonerochahm #mushrooms #martincoj #makingcandy #dinneratmartins #J210315 #fashion #style #gay #vegan #stockholm #sverige #marypoppins #marypoppinsreturns @sevanfood @ahmadtea @ahmadtea_usa @hm @hm_man @martincoj kitchen, kitchen cleanup, kök, köksstädning, aleppo pepper, aleppopeppar, sevan, ahmad tea, cardamom tea, podcast, bluetooth speaker, p-böter, parking tickets, tomato, tomato seeds, simone rocha, simone rocha X hm, mushrooms, martincoj, making candy, dinner at martins, J210315, fashion, style, gay, vegan, stockholm, sverige, mary poppins, mary poppins returns,

söndag 21 mars 2021

210314 The Enormous Ikea Queue, Citygross shopping, and Ulf’s Lookalike ...

In this episode Ulf and I have plans to go to Ikea, and somehow he thinks that I’ve invited him for dinner. I also edit my trip to London from 2018, we go to, but decide not to go in to, Ikea, and go grocery shopping instead. And we buy some falafel and go to my place:) My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman DRENCHED IN FAKE FUR: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMaUeFZlhv1/?igshid=88bl7y0iniw7 TODAY 2020: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-AlulhJ_1k/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

#ikea #london #editing #editingvideos #diary #ulfnordlander #citygross #middagmedulf #ikeakungenskurva #hm #dungarees #hmxlee #hmxleedungarees #cilantrosunday #falafel #coronaqueue #gay #vegan #j210314 #sunday #diary #vlog #swedishvlogger #gayvegan #gayfriends #dagbok #deardiary #stockholm #sweden #drive ikea, london, editing, editing videos, diary, ulf nordlander, city gross, middag med ulf, ikea kungenskurva, hm, dungarees, hm x lee, hm x lee dungarees, cilantro sunday, falafel, corona queue, gay, vegan, j210314, sunday, diary, vlog, swedish vlogger, gay vegan, gay friends, dagbok, dear diary, stockholm, sweden, drive

lördag 20 mars 2021

210313 Fika & Färja, Fika & Ferry with Christian and Majsan

In today’s episode I meet Christian and Majsan in Hammarby Sjöstad, a great part of Stockholm, for a Fika on the docks. And I brought some gifts. My Youtube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/user/joakimbergman IGTV link: 210306: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMXnR1Bp4FB/?igshid=1kfj5q3mq1snz TODAY 2020: 200313 DAVID IS 60 AND PHILIP IS 38 AND ROLF GETS A MINI-ME https://www.instagram.com/tv/B99658Op-V6/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TODAY 2019: 190313 BIG FISH IN UPPSALA PART ONE - THE TRIP THERE. https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwL4n9Lg5EK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link also today 2019: 190313 BIG FISH IN UPPSALA PART TWO BEING THERE https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwNhRczAbc5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
TODAY 2018: 180313 WAITING FOR GODOT, MATS & MEATLESS BURGERS https://www.instagram.com/tv/BrAV6TMiZwb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
#Hammarbysjöstad #hammarby #fika #brygga #docks #jetty #friends #vänner #coworkers #arbetskamrater #kollegor #swedishwordoftheday #boat #båt #ferry #färja #christianhedenfeldt #majsanpersson #vegan #gay #gayvegan #stockholm #sweden #kebabflavour #kebab #kebabkrydda #gayfriends #hangers #galge #coathanger Hammarby sjöstad, hammarby, fika, brygga, docks, jetty, friends, vänner, coworkers, arbetskamrater, kollegor, swedish word of the day, boat, båt, ferry, färja, christian hedenfeldt, majsan persson, vegan, gay, gay vegan, stockholm, sweden, kebab flavour, kebab, kebab krydda, gay friends, hangers, galge, coathanger @christianhedenfeldt @majsmarianne

**What if backstage moments were the real show? 🎭📸**

Throwback to June 14, 2024, at **Turteatern** in Kärrtorp, where my friend **Christian Hedenfeld** and I took this selfie with the set of th...