lördag 9 januari 2021

210102 A walk, Pizza at La Piccola Nonna, and Scallion Oil Noodles

In THIS EPISODE I and ULF go for a WALK on SÖDER, We VISIT the NEWLY OPENED PIZZERIA LA PICCOLA NONNA, for a late VEGAN LUNCH, and then for VEGAN DINNER I try making SCALLION OIL NOODLES. @superulfo @lapiccolanonnapizza #WALK #promenad #söder #stockholm #gay #vegan #gayvegan #ducks #duck #scallion #scallionoilnoodles #noodles #vegancooking #podcast #getontomycloud #timrice #lapiccolanonna #veganpizza #nduja #vegannduja #gaymen #gayfriends #ankor #anka #ulfnordlander #scallion #scallionoil #noodles #scallionoilnoodles #vegancooking

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