söndag 14 april 2019

The New Moving Man (And Joakim Jennerfors is On as Stig.)

I'm planning next weeks vegan meals, and it's Friday at the theatre, and Joakim Jennerfors is on as Stig, but most importantly: Rolf is on in the role Joakim usually plays: the moving man.

#Vegan #gay #Stockholm #Igtvvlog #vlog #igtv #Musicaltheatre #Madonna #Europvisionsongcontest #backstage 

#Cover #backstage #sweden #musical #vlog #igtvchannel #himmelenpåoscars #inhoppare #Ersättare #swing 

#backstage #musicaltheatre #theatre #musical #stockholm 

#itsshowtime #teatro #theatrecostumes 
#backstagecrewlife #theater

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