söndag 31 januari 2021

210124 Martin’s Square Skillet Grill, and Ulf’s present from Uniqlo

In this episode I’m amazed at the many types of weather we had, sunny, foggy, and plain old cloudy, all before lunch. The Martin shows up with a skillet grill he found in his recycling room. And Ulf invites me to go to Mall of Scandinavia because he’s got a gift from Uniqlo. 

Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more.

My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/

My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com

My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com

My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com

My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber

My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton

#Sunny #foggy #cloudy #soligt #dimmigt #molnigt #veganlunch #skillet #skilletgrill #grill #mallofscandinavia #ulfnordlander #martincoj #uniqlo #westfieldmallofscandinavia 

@martincoj @superulfo 

Hat no 13

I haven’t got many hats that are gifts, but this one is! One day, as I was walking around in the neighborhood I noticed a newly opened restaurant. And a  vegan restaurant at that! Sure, I live in a kinda progressive/hipster area, so vegan food is not uncommon in restaurant, but totally vegan restaurants are! Unfortunately I had just had lunch that day, but I made a mental note to come back there soon, and within a week a managed to drag my friend Ulf out for a walk and we ended up att EASY VEGO. We had a great lunch, I remember I had some sort of stew with a fantastic accompanying bread, which was all mina although Ulf thought half of it was it. Anyway, suddenly the salesperson came up to our table with the gifts of a white beanie, each. I now realize I forgot to ask if there was any celebration: but I just put the hat on my head, made some cute instagram stories and I’ve been wearing the beanie ever since. i need go back, by the way. Not for a new hat, but for the great food.


181213 The Popularity of “Pantyhose”, today’s feeling is “Calm” and 100 ...

In this episode I’m getting ready for my upcoming trip to London, I buy tickets to see Company, and at work at Oscarsteatern I show how the great elevator works, I ask the cast to illustrate the feeling “Calm”, Tuva and I are looking for a dress, and we celebrate a milestone. Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more. My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/ My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton #london #triptolondon #company #musical #musicaltheatre #stockholm #sweden #sverige #musicaltheatrecast #såsomihimmelen #tickets #musikal #bakstage #cast #crew

lördag 30 januari 2021

Hat no 12

Ain’t this a beauty? I bought it second hand, I think at EMMAUs near Slussern on Söder in Stockholm, and I assume it’s a woman’s hat, but I don’t care. It’s got drama and I feel positively Russian in it. I don’t wear it often. But when I was working at the musical SÅ SOM I HIMMELEN at Oscarsteatern in Stockholm, I alway biked to work, and once a man in a car stopped and told me that I had a great hat. Thant was a proud day. The only problem with it is that I can’t wear my headphones and the hat simultaneously.


210123 A Long Walk with Christian and Majsan an #ginuary and London IGTV...

In this episode I Christian and Majsan go for a long walk 

and then I go to Magnus’s to celebrate #ginuary, eat vegan pasta pesto and watch all of my IGTV episode from our trip to London. 

Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more.

My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/

My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com

My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com

My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com

My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber

My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton

#Ginuary #walk #hike #promenad #stockholm #sweden #sverige #hammarbysjöstad #hammarby #nature #swedishnature #natur #svensknatur #nacka #nackanaturreservat #pasta #pastapesto #veganpastapesto #vegan #gay #ginandtonic #veganicecream #lego ## #aebetskamrater #coworker #hemmahosmagnusboren #magnusboren 

@magnusboren @majsmarianne @christianhedenfeldt

fredag 29 januari 2021

Plans for London and a London blog

 This is a video from 2017. 

Going home from Oscarsrevyn and Gothenburg, me and my friend Magnus makes plans for our upcoming London trip, and when I come home I start a London blog. 

Hat No 11

This is also a second hand buy, but I can’t remember form where. Maybe, I would guess I found it at Myrorna, on Norrtullsgatan in Stockholm. 

Somehow the stipes reming me of the cat in at hat’s hat, although I know that the colors and the shape of the hat is different. Would you believe me if I said I’ve never read or seen the story of the Cat in a Hat?

Anyway, the letters on the says NEFF, and just now, when I googled ”neff beanie striped orange purple” I learned that NEFF is a company that makes a hell of lot of beanies, and a lot of other stuff, like bermuda shorts and shirt with great patterns, like yellow plastic ducks, or pink parrots. I have to go. I have some clothes to order on-line…


Hat No 10

This hat is a second hand buy, and I think I bought it at the same time I bought Hat no 2, but I’m not sure. I like that it’s rather large, has a tassel, but I wasn’t crazy about the blue stripe, so I folded the brim so that the stripe wouldn’t show. I even sewed it at certain points. I think I could have done a better job, since it still shows. Maybe sew all around the edge? I believe this is the only tassel beanie I own.

#orange #tassel #tasselbeanie #secondhand #seconhandbeanie #secondhandhat #charityshop #stripe #gay #gaymen#beanieman #beanieweather #beaniehats #beaniecap #beaniestyle


How to Finally Make A Salad that Doesn't Suck...

#vegan #vegansalad #dressing #saladdressing #salad

11 Recipes That Use Rice Paper Way Beyond Spring Rolls (part 1)

#ricepaper, #rispapper, 

4 NEW Ways to Enjoy Rice Paper!


#Whatveganseat #veganfood #instafood #foodpic #vegan #foodporn #veganistockholm #veganinstockholm #veganinsweden #veganisverige #svenskvegan #swedishvegan #Meatless #vegan #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangay #Vegano #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganrecipes #veganCommunity #veganfitness #homemadehotdogs #veganhomemeadhotdogs #chimichurri


#Whatveganseat #veganfood #instafood #foodpic #vegan 

#foodporn #veganistockholm #veganinstockholm #veganinsweden #veganisverige

 #svenskvegan #swedishvegan #Meatless 

#vegan #vegansofig 

#veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #vegans #veganlifestyle

#veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangay #Vegano 

#vegans #veganlifestyle #veganrecipes #veganCommunity #veganfitness 

210122 The Vegan Sausage Factory, the Lost Ice Cream Scooper, Puff Pastr...

In this episode I make hotdogs from vegan mince meat, sort of like sausage shaped meatballs, and Chimichurri, I recycle plastic, cartons and metal, I plant some garlic, and then I make taco pies. And then Ulf arrives... Link to IGTV episode: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKWv4Tbj7cv/?igshid=17cez2xpfz6uu Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more. My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/ My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton @superulfo #veganhotdogs #vegansausage #homemadevegansausages #veganhomemadesausages #recycle #recycleplastic #recyclecarton #recyclemetal #garlic #plantinggarlic #vitlök #återvinna #tacopies #vegantacopie #tacopaj #vegansktacopaj #ulfnordlander #gay #vegan #gayvegan #stockholm #sweden #sverige #puffpastry #dinnerwithfriends #vegandinner #sandals #vlog #vlogger #gaymen

torsdag 28 januari 2021

210121 Gins and Tonics, Ulf’s new Shoes and Eyewear, and Bling Empire on...

In this episode I continue with my Beanie project, then I bike to Ulf’s for some BLING EMPIRE on Netflix. And some poke bowls. And Gins and Tonics. And Ulf’s got new shoes. And eyewear... Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more. My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/ My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton Link to IGTV EPISODE: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKCbAuyjsU-/?igshid=1cbtauoi7uzyn Link to IGTV episode: Newly Jabbed Ulf and Risotto. And a Suprise Guest. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKUFAIqjWjy/?igshid=1b9pg7gmesor3 #gay #vegan #gayvegan #sverige #sweden #stockholm #beanie #veganlunch #harissapastasauce #veganpasta #blingempire #ginandtonic #hemmahosulf #ulfnordlander #cocktail #liljeholmen #netflix #tonic #pokebowl #glasses #eyewear #shoes #sneakers #onlineshopping. #adidas #glasögon #blingonnexflix #gin #ginuary #shoes

Hat no 9

Of all my beanies, this i my favorite, and the most expensive. It’s from COS, bought in their store at Westfield Mall of Scandinavia, but I think it was on sale. I hope it was on sale. Well, even if it wasn’t on sale, it was a good buy, because it’s the one you’ll see in most of my photos. I love this shade of yellow. Bright, light, a little tart. Your almost expect the beanie to smell of lemon.

My friend Ulf and I often go to that stor to shop. Well, he goes to shop, I go to see if they have something nice on sale that would be impossible to live without. And to tell Ulf what he should buy and what not. He very seldom listens, even though I tell him that he only should buy things that does not look like he already got two or three similar items. But his taste is very specific, and he can argue why he would need a tree button grey cardigan, although he got an almost identical, four button cardigan at home. 

#cos #westfieldmallofscandinavia #lemon #hatgame #hatstyle 

#hatstyle #whatiwore #whatiworetoday #hatspiration #hatsonhats 

#cardigan #hatstagram #hatsonhatsonhats #hatsfordays #hatsofinstagram 

#hatsofftoyou #hatslover #hatshatshats #truckerhats #menhats 

#stockholm #sale #beaners #beanies #beanieseason 

#beanieman #beanieweather #beaniehats #beaniecap #beaniestyle @cos 

onsdag 27 januari 2021

210120 Harissa pasta, plant pruning, London Trip movies organising, and ...

The Snow’s melting, I organise my IGTV videos from my London trip in an IGTV Series, I photograph and write about my second beanie, I prune and trim my plants, workout on my crosstrainer, I make plans for grocery shopping, I cook vegan pasta with Chickpeas and Harissa, go late evening grocery shopping, and I become quite obsessed with Clara Rockmore and her instrument the Theramin. Link to SAFFRON: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKRxq8bj1CT/?igshid=1til9irk1cemv Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more. My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/ My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton #igtv #igtvseries #beanie #plants #trim #prune #växter #workout #crosstrainer #veganmeatballs #veganskaköttbullar #vegobullar #veganlunch #vegandinner #harissa #groceryshopping #corvid19groceryshopping #coronagroceryshopping #vogueparis #lafemmemusic #clararockmore #theramin #instrument #gay #vegan #stockholm #sweden #gayvegan #ica #cooking @vogueparis

Vegan Pasta Picante

I make vegan Pasta Picante #chickpeas #tomatosauce #cooking #vegancooking #easyveganfood #howtocookeasyveganfood #cookingpasta #makingpasta #tastetest #veganfood #veganofinstagram #veganliving #crueltyfree #vegandiet #dairyfree #plantbased #veganfoodshare #vegans #govegan #vegansofig #Whatveganseat #veganfood #instafood #foodpic #vegan #foodporn #veganistockholm #veganinstockholm #veganinsweden #veganisverige #svenskvegan #swedishvegan #Meatless #vegan #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangay #Vegano

tisdag 26 januari 2021

Hat no 8

 Hat no 8

I thought that most of my beanies and hats was second hand, but here’s another that was bought brand new. This one’s from H&M, and I’m not sure when I bought it. 2019? 2018? It’s one of my favorite hats. And orange is one of my favorite colors. But I used to prefer lime green. I bought everything I could find that had that color, even stuff I really didn’t need. In my previous apartment i even painted the walls and ceiling in the kitchen lime green. And the doors to all the cabinets. Everything was lime green, even the tablecloth. So if you put something down on the table, and that thing was lime green, you almost couldn’t see it. It dissapeared.

It hasn’t gotten quite that bad with orange. I have a few orange things in the kitchen, like bowls, a colander and a tray. But I’ve learned from previous experiences: a little goes a long way: if you want something to stand out, don’t crowd it with stuff that looks exactly the same.

#orange #limegreen #lime #green #kitchen

#bowls  #keps #hats #mössa 

#hat #tray #apartment #hatgame #hatstyle 

#hatstyle #whatiwore #whatiworetoday #hatspiration #hatsonhats 

#hatsforwomen #hatstagram #hatsonhatsonhats #hatsfordays #hatsofinstagram 

#hatsofftoyou #hatslover #hatshatshats #truckerhats #menhats 

210119 The Tower, the Jetty and the History of my Beanies Project

In this episode I go for a long walk, I climb a tower and get on a jetty. Then I start tidying my hallway and start a new project concerning beanies. LINK TO ROMANTICS ANONYMOUS & Shakespeare’s Globe: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bl0kaBmFdRh/?igshid=1iozhwnuaoclw Link to When the Snow and the Sun almost simultaneously Showed Up In Midsomm: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKPJ9Z9jOYO/?igshid=16379pqxd14xo Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more. My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/ My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton #waffle #tortilla #walk #stockholm #beanie #beehives #jetty #semla #semlor #sverige #walk #hike #liljeholmen #gay #gayvegan #vegan #svensk #instockholm #hats #newproject #fun #gayman #vlogger #vlogging #vlogger #gayvlogger #gayinstockholm #gayinsweden #veganfood #snow

måndag 25 januari 2021

210118 Baking breakfast bread, a tortilla waffle Iron hack and remotely ...

In this episode I start the day by baking, realising that my baking powder is too old. Then I edit a video from 2018, when I was working at the Swedish musical. SÅ SOM I HIMMELEN at Oscarsteatern. I then get on my crosstrainern for a nice workout, before making waffled tortillas in my waffle iron. And the I FaceTime with Magnus, helping him install Airplay on all his devices. Follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/joakim_clifton_bergman/ or Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJSAGFYm/ for more. My Vegan Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/vilken_vegan/ My Theatre Blog: https://minstengangiveckan.blogspot.com My Other Blog: http://joakimcliftonbergman.blogspot.com My Tumblr: https://temporarymonomany.tumblr.com My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA8j-8, Cq64z8LEJCYy8zIQ?view_as=subscriber My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.se/jockebergman/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoakimClifton #Baking #bakinghack #bread #newlybakedbreadforbreakfast #rollingpin #oven #bakingpowder #edit #såsomihimmelen #musical #waffle #tortilla #waffkeiron #waffleironhack #waffleironrecipe #burp #snack #facetime #airplay #ginandtonic #whitewine #magnusboren

hat no 7

Hat no 7

This hat was not a second hand find, it was a gift from my friend @mrbuskis, who used to manage a Dunkin’ Donut at Westfield Mall of Scandinavia, before they went bankrupt, and he was given a lot of stuff. And he gave a lot of stuff to me, though this hat was maybe not one of my favorite things. I’ve never worn it, but I’ve kept it because was a gift and  it’s so tight that I think it could fit under a bicycle helmet, if I ever get around to buy one.

The first time I had a Dunkin’ Donut donut was when I and @magnusboren was in New York. I wanted to buy one every day we were there, but it wasn’t until the very last night that I got around to going in to a store, and then I bought a giant box, and ended up throwing out a lot of unfinished - but tried and tasted - donuts. It was too much, too sweet, to quick. 

I was surprised how expensive they were. In American movies they always seem to buy them buy the box, to give away and share, as if they cost nothing. The Dunkin’ Donut franchise was a brief affair in Sweden. Maybe the timing was wrong. Or, maybe it’s a cultural thing. We’re a people of cinnamon buns, not of deep-fried balls of doe. 

#hat #cap #beaner #beanie #dunkindonut

#donut #cinnamonbuns cinnamonbun #newyork #helmet #bikehelmet

#westfieldmallofscandinavia #wallofscandinavia #us #theus #franchise

#stockholm #whatiwore #whatiworetoday #hatspiration #hatsonhats 

#hatsforwomen #hatstagram #hatsonhatsonhats #hatsfordays #hatsofinstagram 



181126 In this episode I buy a two plastic christmas trees, one for myself and one for work, and I alson buy bird feed and I try to find a hamburger joint that's seems to be quite elusive. #MEMORYMONDAY #christmastree #birdfeed #birdfeeder #veganhamburger #hamburger #vegan #gay #gayvegan #stockholm

söndag 24 januari 2021


#clean #cleaning #cleans #cleaningmotivation #cleanculture #facemasktime #facemaskfashion #facemaskorganic #facemask #facemaskselfie #facemaskstyle #facemasksheet #facemaskgoals #facemaskaddict #facemasklife #gay #gayvegan #vegangay #gaystagram #instgay #clothes #mensclothes #mensstyle #mensfashion #fashion #fashioninspiration #style#styles #styleoftheday #stylemen

**What if backstage moments were the real show? 🎭📸**

Throwback to June 14, 2024, at **Turteatern** in Kärrtorp, where my friend **Christian Hedenfeld** and I took this selfie with the set of th...