söndag 19 april 2020


In this episode I recycle bottles and buy vegan hotdogs and chilli sauce for the money. Vegan lunch is hotdogs and mashed potatoes. Today’s chores are: tidy in the bathroom, dust the cross trainer and tidy the living room. Then I go for a bike ride to Söder and the hill on Tantolunden. On my way I notice some not so rigorous social distancing. I show some kolonilott, some allotments, and then I Skype with @Magnusboren

#recycle #recyclebottles #bottles #panta #pantaflaskor #vegan #gay #gayvegan #vegangay #hotdogs #veganhotdogs #chilisauce #bög #bögvegan #veganbög #bögar #söder #vegankorv #veganlunch #potatismos #tantolunden #bikeride #cykla #socialdistancing #kolonilott #alottment #skype #veganmat

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