onsdag 2 oktober 2024

"Through the Window of Rehearsal"

This is the oldest photo on my phone, taken on August 24, 2023, from the left wing at the theatre. In this candid moment, we see a glimpse of the rehearsal for our latest musical through a window in the set design. The focus is on Lindy Larsson, dressed in full costume, deep in character as they perform the scene where the old men come to the house for coffee. Joining him on stage are Tuva B. Larsen, Gustaf Levin, and the legendary Tommy Körberg. The actors are in the middle of an intense and emotional scene, and even through the window, you can feel the energy and anticipation of the moment.

 The photo was taken during a run-through, and it captures the magic of theatre in its rawest form. The actors were fully committed, immersed in the world of the story. It’s one of those rare behind-the-scenes moments that we, who work backstage, get to witness—the moments that happen before the audience ever gets to see them. 

The background shows the intricate set design, with warm lighting highlighting the interior of the stage. From my vantage point in the wing, it almost looks like I’m peeking into a world that isn’t supposed to be seen. The window creates a natural frame, giving the photo a unique depth and perspective.

Featuring Lindy Larsson, Tuva B. Larsen, Gustaf Levin, and Tommy Körberg, this shot isn’t just about the actors, it’s about the craft—the dedication to the art of storytelling, even in rehearsals. 

This photo is particularly meaningful to me because it reminds me of why I love working in theatre. There’s a special magic in these moments, seeing everything come together: the costumes, the sets, the performances. Watching these talented actors bring the script to life makes all the hard work worth it.

A funny anecdote: During this rehearsal, Lindy Larsson accidentally called Tommy Körberg by his character's name, which caused a ripple of laughter through the cast. Even in serious scenes, the camaraderie backstage is real, and moments like that remind me how close-knit we all are in this world.











Follow for more behind-the-scenes glimpses into the magical world of theatre! Don’t forget to share your favorite backstage moments or tag someone who’d love this sneak peek.

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Behind the Scenes

This is the oldest photo on my phone, taken on August 28, 2023, during a special moment on stage at the theatre. It’s a group photo where ev...