tisdag 1 oktober 2024

"First Full Costume Run-Through"

This is the oldest photo on my phone, taken on August 17, 2023, at the theatre. We had just finished our first full run-through in costume, and you can feel the exhaustion in the air. The actors are sitting or standing on stage, all dressed in their beautiful costumes, while the director speaks to them. Everyone looks a bit tired, but that's expected after such a big milestone. There’s something special about the first run-through with costumes—it’s when the show starts to feel real, and you can see the characters truly coming to life.  

 Captured during this moment, you can see the cast members fully immersed in their roles, yet also drained from the physical and emotional effort. The lighting on stage sets a mood that mirrors their focus and dedication, and it’s moments like these that remind me why I love working in theatre.  

The photo was taken at our theatre in Stockholm, during rehearsals for the latest musical. The main focus is on the cast, dressed head to toe in their costumes, and the director guiding them through the next steps. Featuring Tuva B. Larsson and Linda Larsson, among others, this photo marks an important step in the rehearsal process. Costumes often help actors truly embody their characters, and this day was the first time they could fully get into their roles with the right outfits.  

Personally, this moment meant a lot to me because it’s the first real glimpse of what the final production will look like. Seeing everyone in full costume brings the creative vision together. There’s always a sense of pride and excitement, mixed with exhaustion, as the cast and crew start to feel the finish line approaching.  

I remember one funny moment when one of the actors realized halfway through that they had their shoes on the wrong feet! It brought a much-needed laugh to the room.  

#theatreproduction #behindthescenes #stagecraft #kostymdesign #ensemblecast #theatrelife #musicalrehearsal #teaterliv #kostymprov #rehearsalflow  

Have you ever been part of a big project where everything suddenly clicked? Share your story in the comments!  

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Behind the Scenes

This is the oldest photo on my phone, taken on August 28, 2023, during a special moment on stage at the theatre. It’s a group photo where ev...